Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Holidays, Bleep

I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. As usual, I didn't get around to making a proper card this year. Maybe next year... sniff.
I will be taking the next two weeks off and spending some quality time with my family. I will be traveling a bit. I will be putting together a lot of toys. I will be eating way too much food. Hopefully I can blog a little, but the posts will be few and far between. I will return to a normal schedule on January 5th.
Everyone be safe, and enjoy this time with your friends and family. After all, these are the moments we will look back on when we are old and crusty, and wish we had back.
I will be taking the next two weeks off and spending some quality time with my family. I will be traveling a bit. I will be putting together a lot of toys. I will be eating way too much food. Hopefully I can blog a little, but the posts will be few and far between. I will return to a normal schedule on January 5th.
Everyone be safe, and enjoy this time with your friends and family. After all, these are the moments we will look back on when we are old and crusty, and wish we had back.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Holiday Throw Down

... take out the the elves.
Take that Bryan.... and Merry Christmas!
Take that Bryan.... and Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2008
What's The Matter Boy?

A happy Monday to you all. Always remember... it could be worse. Aliens could be invading. Well, I guess if aliens were invading with the desire to load us up with all kinds of awesome technology... that would actually be better. Ok, just assume that the aliens were invading with the very strong desire to zap our brains and enslave our pets. That would be worse than a Monday.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Gift

"Who would be downstairs at this hour?"
We are getting close to Christmas! It is hard to believe how fast it is approaching. Happy Friday to all, and I hope you have a great weekend. I have been making good progress on my story, so look for some big chunks of art from that project in January. Also, I will be revealing the title and logo for the book as well. See... reasons to stick around next year. Until then, you will most likely get a variety of doodles here on the blog. Hopefully that will be ok.
Again, have a pleasant weekend.
Again, have a pleasant weekend.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bryan Ballinger... Three O'Clock!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Anything Glowy Has Got To Be Awesome

Today is Friday. Friday is a fun day. This drawing had no planned destination, but it was a fun exploration. I am knee deep in a bunch of work here at CN, as well as being heavily involved in writing my story at home. This morning I just needed to come in and make a bit of a mess. Mission accomplished! I hope everybody has a great weekend.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Robots Like Cookies Too

p.s. Type still needs to be added... burp.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Death From Above

In the (so close to getting a title) story, the main character (so close to getting a name) is a pilot during World War 2. In giving him a plane, I want to use real aircraft with a bit of an exaggerated twist. I chose the already intimidating P-40 Warhawk, and gave it a bit of cartoon flair. In the end I may even push the design further, but for now we are at least on track.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Back In The Saddle

Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

To everyone here in America, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving. To everyone else, I wish you a very happy Friday. This is a bit early I know, but I will be traveling back to Orlando next week to visit family and will be away from the blog/computer. It will be good to take some time off and catch up on a few things.
Thanks for reading the blog. Take care, and I will be back on Monday, December 1rst.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
One Small Step

These are the secrets you learn here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This Isn't An iPod!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We All Need Friends

Monday, November 17, 2008
Magic Hands And Stabby Sticks

And a good Monday to you all. Today I give you even more alien scribbles. Over the weekend I was able to put a lot of work into the story. It seems like every time I sit down to write, the story gets bigger and bigger. At this point, I am pretty sure I will be drawing two full books. Nothing like jumping in with both feet!
I hope to announce the new title this week!
I hope to announce the new title this week!
Friday, November 14, 2008
That's A Bit Alien

Happy Friday everybody. Today I sketched up one of the many alien concepts that you are sure to see here in the next few weeks. The story calls for characters from all parts of the galaxy, so I hope to have a little fun with the design.
Have a good weekend!
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Few Alien Chaps

This morning I did a few rough character development sketches. In the story, there will be representatives from many alien races, so I will be scribbling out a bunch of "blue-sky" ideas before I try to nail down proper character sheets. Baby steps.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bot Helper

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It Begins Again

The story of "Rocket Dreams" is big. Too big for me to tackle as a first comic project. So my plan is to do a prequel story first. Something that will show some of the back story that causes "Rocket Dreams" to happen in the first place. It will also allow me to do a story packed with action which is going to be fun for both myself and the reader (I hope.)
My friend Paul sent me this great quote. It is from Mike Mignola, and he is sharing some advice that Frank Miller shared with him.
"I CAN pass on something that Frank Miller told me when I was about to start Hellboy--It's as good advice as I've ever gotten on this subject. He said something like "just do it, do the best you can, don't drive yourself crazy, just KNOW that when you look back on it you're going to hate it. It can't be helped. The next one will be better."
So I am going to take that advice and plow forward. I can't keep waiting around until I get "perfect" because that will never happen. Each morning, I will chip away at the development... it might be writing, or character design, or page layout. I won't be posting every morning, but I think I will still get at least three posts up per week. I am excited, and nervous. This has to be good work from me.
While I won't be posting everything I do (I have to save some surprises for the actual book) I will do my best to show all of my process. Concepting. Character Design. Rough Layout. Page Roughs. Clean Up. Color. Whew.
Wish me luck...
Friday, November 07, 2008
A Better Looking Captain

I feel like this hits a lot closer to the look and feel that I was going for on this character. Yesterday's drawing was a bit off mark and I at least feel I am on a better track this morning. I hope to share more information on this particular project next week!
Happy Friday everybody.Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Walk The Bleepin Plank

Hello, and Happy Voting Day. I "finished up" my PirateBot today. As you can see above, if I had some more time and interest, I could ALMOST get away with fully painting this guy out... no lines. Maybe one day I will return to this salty crust of piratey goodness... but for now.... ONWARD!
(Oh and...get out and vote if you are able, please.)
Monday, November 03, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Waiting For Mom To Pick Us Up

"Oooh ooh! I think I see a Baby Ruth bar at the bottom of the bag!"
This is a work in progress for halloween tomorrow. I hope to add a few more kids in wacky costumes, and tighten it up a bit. I am enjoying these pastel brushes in PainterX. You can get some great texture and build up on the color and they blend really well. Happy Almost Halloween!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Treeeeek Or Treeeeeeeet

"Oh my, youre a big fella aren'tcha! Der ya go! Oh, you want more? Ok... a few more candies der. No. No more. No more! You stop that growlin at me..."
I won't lie to you... this was a ton of fun. I sat down this morning with the idea of drawing a monster dressed up as a child for Halloween, and using pastels seemed like a good idea. Fun fun.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tis Friday After All

Oh Friday. It's always good to see you. Today I am posting the final for my "Papercut Showdown." I went in yesterday evening and added a few things. As I doodled around, I realized just how long you could spend on this style if you really wanted to blow it out. It was really fun! I will hopefully get to do more like this in the future.
There is a cool new development that I hope to be able to tell you guys about next week. Nothing huge, but it is pretty fun.
Again, I thank everybody who keeps checking the blog, and I wish everyone a happy weekend.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Coasters vs Paper Dolls

Happy Thursday everyone. This morning I went back to cut out land and added a few things to this tiny yet epic showdown. I forced myself to move quickly, so there are many things I would like to keep going with. Hopefully tonight I can take an hour or so and go nuts, but for now this is what I offer. I captured the process over two mornings... but I do warn you there is a whole lot of clicking around, grabbing textures, scaling, cutting, clicking, grabbing textures... it may get a little crazy!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My Paper Dolls Are Fighting
While this is far from finished, I wanted to show you the progress. I came in this morning fully intending to take it easy and finish up some existing drawings, but for some reason I started doodling these little guys. Hopefully by the time I am done, they will live in a cool little cardboard world.
And I think I am finished with this "Donut Desire" piece. We are moving on!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
New Shoes

Good Morning! Today's topic was chosen by my buddy Bryan Ballinger. I asked him for a suggestion (because he is an evil genius) and he came up with "Monster with a brand new pair of sneakers." I had fun with things, keeping it sloppy and simple. You will even see at the beginning of the video that I just started scribbling until an idea stuck. Now I find myself wanting to tell the story of this happy fellow and his new pair of shoes!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sasquatch Scribble

He was in fact, prepared."
Happy Monday to ya! This morning I had a bit of a rough time getting anything to happen on this sketch, but the idea is there. If I have time, I will try to revisit the layout and solve a few problems. As you can see in the video, I started to play with some color, then decided to cheat and go with the sepia tones.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Closer To The Donut
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
You Take One More Step Toward My Donut...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Listen Buddy, Do We Have To Do This Again?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thar She Blows Cap'n

EDIT: Here is the video!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Softer Approach
I thought I might try a different style on this... of course I would go a lot cleaner on the final illustration but I like the lack of lines. It causes you to focus on the shapes. More tomorrow!
Oh, and my apologies... me drawing at normal speed is pretty boring.
Oh, and my apologies... me drawing at normal speed is pretty boring.
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