Also, I want to apologize to anybody who has tried to view my "in process" videos recently. I received an email saying that my 2GB bandwidth for the month was all used up. First of all, thank you. That means people have been viewing them. Secondly, I am going to buy software today that should allow me to capture some cool stuff as I am working. So, the message is... hang in and I will get some better videos up for you soon.
As always, thank you so much for checking in and posting comments.
I love your work!! o_o"
Background was painted first?? And i assume you always use the pastel brush? great job looking nice so far
Aww I love your work. :) Those cats are just great.
I love your 'If I had a Robot' drawings, but maybe mix up the gender roles a little bit, other than that they are fantastic.
bryst: Thank you very much!
javier m: Yes, I usually go in and lay down a universal color over almost the entire piece to set a tone. In this case I knew I wanted a darker room, so my color was a cool purple-ish gray. This time around I am using the "Tinting" brush and it's blenders.
karina: You are so right. Sometimes I stray over into the "girl's have tea parties" mode and forget that they also like to do everything us boys do. Ha. I will make it a point to fix that a bit. Besides, if I don't, my two sisters will beat me up.
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