Dear Blog,
I am alive and well. Things are nice here in Atlanta. My new job is going great, and I find myself surrounded by talented people. I am sorry for not writing you more often, but I am very busy. I don't mean that in an "I'm too busy for you" kind of way, I just mean to say that my time has been occupied by settling in to my new job and finding my way around an unfamiliar city. I still love you, and hope to start writing again on a regular basis.
Warm Regards,
I am alive and well. Things are nice here in Atlanta. My new job is going great, and I find myself surrounded by talented people. I am sorry for not writing you more often, but I am very busy. I don't mean that in an "I'm too busy for you" kind of way, I just mean to say that my time has been occupied by settling in to my new job and finding my way around an unfamiliar city. I still love you, and hope to start writing again on a regular basis.
Warm Regards,
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! He has returned. We were getting lonely here without you on the blogosphere. I like the textures that you're using on this piece. Groovy.
Welcome back sir! The internet just got a lot more creative.
glad it's going well and you still found time to do a DG this week. you are a better man than I, on so many fronts.
wow! thats a mother of a dream job!
You have to be havin a blast! A whole hearty congrats and a bit o " whoooo hoooo!! " great post Jeremy
i find it so touching that you are a blog-carer. I too cry at night if i dont get to write in it. It's nice to get in touch with your inner feelings. The Blog reaches in to the deepest parts of our souls, all we have to do is crack the fingers and let it flow.
.. and now I want a polkadottet horse.
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